Internal Requisitions :
Requisitions (IR) are used to transfer material from one inventory organization
or warehouse to another, within the same company.
Move Orders :
Move orders
are requests for the movement of material within a single organization.
A move order
requisition is a manually generated request for a move order.
It is
available for sub inventory transfers and account transfers.
Once a
requisition has been approved, it becomes a move order.
What are the basic setup
steps required to use the Internal Requisition Functionality?
following setups will demonstrate the flow of an Internal Requisition between
two inventory organizations.
- M1 - Seattle Manufacturing will represent the destination organization
- M2 - Boston Manufacturing will represent the source organization
In this example, the item will be
procured internally from the M2 - Boston Manufacturing inventory organization
The following responsibilities are
utilized in this example:
- Purchasing Super User (or equivalent)
- Order Management Super User
- Inventory
Purchasing Super User - Navigation:
Items/Master Items
- Enter the Item Name
- Ensure it is Purchased and Purchasable
Select these attributes:
- Customer Ordered and Customer Orders Enabled
- Shippable
- Internal Ordered
- Internal Orders Enabled
- OE Transactable
Assign the item to the inventory
organizations which are involved in the Internal Requisitioning process.
M1 will be the destination inventory
organization and M2 will be the Source Inventory Organization.
In the Vision Demo instance, the
Purchasing and Order Management Attributes are controlled at Item Master level.By
choosing the attributes at the item master level (V1) automatically sets these
attributes for all organizations whichare assigned (ex. M1 and M2). By
choosing the attributes at the Item Master level - they are already set for all
inventory organizations assigned.
Inventory: Navigation:
Setup/Organizations/Shipping Networks
- Enter the Inventory Organization that will be the Source and the scope should be From or To Organizations
- Choose the Transfer Type:
- Direct - means that when the Internal Sales Order is shipped the receipt process in the destination organization is done automatically
- Intransit - means that when the Internal Sales Order is shipped - the destination inventory organization has to manually do the receiving process in Purchasing
- Choose Internal Order Required checkbox - Save
In this example, the setups are being
done to allow the user to Enter a Receipt in M1 after the item has been shipped
from M2 (Intransit).
Please Note
- If the Source and Destination Inventory Organizations are the same, then this
step is conditionally not required. (Essentially the Item is being transferred
between subinventories in the same Inventory Organization).
Step 3 -
Create the Internal Location
Purchasing Super User:
Enter a Location Name - for the
Internal Location
- This is the location that is used as the Destination Location
- The Location will eventually be tied to a customer
- Choose the Other Details tab, enter the Inventory Organization for the Destination Organization.
The location created will be used to
tie the Destination Location in the requisition form to the Internal Customer
to be used on the Sales Order form.
Purchasing does not allow the entry of
a Customer - therefore it passes the location to Order Management.
During Order Import in Order Management
- the system locates the Customer Record to which the Location is assigned.
Associating the location to the customer record will be done in the later
Step 4 -
Conduct a Miscellaneous Transaction (Receipt)
Inventory: Navigation:
Transactions/Miscellaneous Transactions
Choose the Inventory Organization that
will be the Source Inventory Organization - Ex. M2
Enter 'Miscellaneous Receipt' as the
type and choose the Transaction Lines button
Enter the Item Created and then a sub
inventory, quantity, etc..
This step is being done to satisfy the
Internal Sales Order which is created, as it ensures that there will be ample
quantity On Hand (in M2) to perform the shipping portion of the Internal Sales
Order process from the M2 inventory organization.
Order Management Super User:
Navigation: Customers/Standard
A web based form will open, choose the
Create button in the lower left.
Enter the Customer Name - in the
Organization Name field.
Choose the Profile Class that applies
to the customer. Ex. Excellent.
Scroll further down and enter the
Address details for the Internal Customer.
Move to the bottom of the form and
under Business Purposes - Choose Add Another Row.
- Set the purpose for the new row as 'Ship To'
- Choose the Save and Add Details
Move to the bottom of the page, and the
address should be visible.
- Choose the Details icon
The Account Site Information will
appear, select the Business Purposes tab
The Ship To and Bill To should now be
- Select the Details icon to the right of the Ship To
Under the Order Management section,
there is a field 'Internal Location'
- Enter the Location that was created in Step 3 (Ex. M1-Internal Location)
- Apply and save the record
The Customer must be created in the Operating Unit of the Source Inventory
Organization that is used on the Internal Requisition. You can check the
Operating Unit for the Source
Inventory Organization by using the following
SELECT 'The Inventory Organization '
|| oo.organization_code
|| 'has the
inventory organization ID of '
|| oo.organization_id
|| ' and is under
the Operating Unit'
|| ' which has
the Operating Unit ID of '
|| oo.operating_Unit
FROM org_organization_definitions oo, hr_all_organization_units
WHERE UPPER (oo.organization_code) LIKE UPPER ('%&INV_ORG_CODE%')
AND hro.organization_id = oo.operating_unit;
Pass in the Source Inventory
Organization Code - and then ensure the Customer is created in the Operating
Unit for the Source Inventory Organization.
Purchasing Super User:
Items/Master Items
The price used on the requisition comes
from the item costs section.
- Query back the item
- Choose from the top text menu - Tools/Item Costs
The screen to follow shows the item
price that is used when creating the Internal Requisition. This is how
purchasing derives the price when creating the Internal Requisition. It uses
the price for the Cost - in the Source Inventory Organization. Whatever the
price is in the Source Inventory Organization used on the requisition - the
price is derived. The reason is that the Sales Order is being created in the
Source Organization, so the price in the Source Organization must be used.
Purchasing Super User: Navigation -
- In the Order Type Field - change the Order Type to Internal
- Click into the Lines Region on the Item field
- At this point - look to the Destination fields - this information is fetched from the Employee Record
- If the Destination Inventory Organization is not proper - move to that field and change it
- If the Location is not the internal location - move to that field and change it to the new Internal Location
Approve the requisition.
Why is the Following Error message encountered: 'Destination location
requires customer association.'
The reason for this error is that the
code is trying to match the Location that is currently entered on the form to a Customer and the customer association
is not found. This was done earlier in step 5. The solution to this error is to Setup the employee record to default a
location that was associated with a customer (as in step 5 above) or prior to Entering the item, move to the
destination section of the form and enter an inventory organization and
location that is Properly assigned to a customer,
followed with entry of the item.
Why is the Source Inventory Organization
not showing the inventory organization which was setup in the shipping
If the internal requisition is going to
be for a cross operating unit scenario - then it should be noted that the HR:
Security Profile is used.
Both operating units for which the
inventory organizations belong too must exist in the HR: Security Profile.
To confirm the operating units for the
inventory organizations - this sql can be used:
SELECT oo.operating_Unit OU_id, Oper_Unit,
oo.organization_code inv_org
FROM org_organization_definitions oo, hr_all_organization_units
WHERE oo.organization_id IN (207, 204) AND hro.organization_id = oo.operating_unit;
Confirm that the operating units in the
given output exist in the security profile that is set for the
HR: Security
Profile - profile.
Step 8 -
Submitting the Create Internal Orders Concurrent Request
Purchasing Super User: Navigation -
This process is responsible for
inserting data into the Order Management interface Tables. One of the fields
that is inserted is the location_id - and because Order Management uses
Customers rather than locations - this is why it is mandatory to assign the
Internal Location to the Customer. The location that is passed from purchasing
is correlated to a customer so as to allow the Order Import to run
Please note that the
calculate_price_flag is inserted as N into the Order Management interface
tables. This means that Purchasing is going to pass the price and it will not
be impacted or recalculated when imported into Order Management. This is proper
functionality. We are currently tracking on Enhancement Request Bug 3095239
that would allow the use of an Internal Price List.
The following sql can be used to review
the data in the oe_iface tables.
WHERE order_source_id = 10
WHERE segment1 = '&requisition_number');
WHERE order_source_id = 10
WHERE segment1 = '&requisition_number');
Pass in the requisition number when
How can the interface data for Internal Requisitions be viewed in the Order
Management Module?
This is possible using the Order
Management Responsibility - and navigating to Orders/Import Orders/Corrections
- Choose an order type of Internal
- In Order Reference use the List of Values to locate the Requisition Number
- If the Requisition is not located - it has either been created into a Sales Order or not inserted into the tables by the Create Internal Orders program
The records are viewable at this stage
and can be deleted.
- if records are going to be deleted, it is necessary to Delete the Lines
first and then the header
Be sure to choose Lines first - and
then choose the delete icon from the toolbar - then delete the header
Deletion of the header record will NOT
delete the line - it is not a cascade delete option. If the header is deleted
prior to the line - it is not possible to ever again locate the line in this
form - sqlplus will have to be used to remove the line.
Enhancement Bug 4966920 has been created to improve this form
and add the cascade delete functionality.
How can the Internal Requisition be resubmitted to the Order Management
interface tables?
In the po_requisition_headers_all and
po_requisition_lines_all table there is a column 'transferred_to_oe_flag'. Setting
this column to a value of 'N' followed with a run of the Create Internal Orders
process will again post the requisition data into the Order Management
interface tables. There are currently no options available through the Oracle
Purchasing forms that allow the updating of this flag, so sqlplus would have to
be used.
Question (Problem):
When Running the Create Internal Sales Order Process - it completes with
Success but no records are inserted into the Order Management Interface Tables?
When the internal requisition is
created the code needs to validate that the customer was created in the
Operating Unit that the Source Inventory Organization belongs too. When the
Create Internal Sales Order process runs, if the Deliver to Location is not
tied to a Customer Ship To Site in the Operating Unit of the Source Inventory
Organization used on the requisition - then it will not insert data into the
oe_headers_iface and oe_lines_iface table.
Please review the previous step 5 and
use the sql given to ensure that the Customer was created in the Operating Unit
that belongs to the Source Inventory Organization. For this example, it
would be required to check the Purchasing Options for the Operating Unit which
M2 is belonging too.
Very Important Also Regarding Create
Internal Orders
In Release 12 you must make sure that you are
choosing an Order Type in the Purchasing Options - that was created in the SAME
operating unit for the Purchasing Options you are setting up.
Ex. If you are in the Germany
Purchasing Options - then ensure you choose a Order Management Order Type that
was created in Germany Order Management. BEWARE - The list of values for Order
Type is showing Transaction Types from other Operating Units. So, if you are in
Germany Purchasing Options and then choose a France Created Transaction Type -
no Records will be inserted during the Create Internal Orders Process. This is
fixed in Release 12.1.1 and beyond.Also, remember that whatever the Source
Inventory Organization that is used on the Internal Requisition - the
purchasing options must be setup for that Source Organizations Operating Unit.
So if the internal requisition has two inventory organizations from different
Operating Units - ensure the Purchasing Options have been setup for both of the
Inventory Organizations Operating Units - as the code is going to check the
Purchasing Options from the operating unit of the Source Organization to obtain
the Order Type to use - as the Sales Order is going to be created in the Source
Organizations Operating Unit.
Does the Purchasing Create Internal Orders process pass flexfield values
from the Purchase Requisition?
Currently, the Create Internal Orders
process does not pass any values from flexfields. If there are
mandatory/required flexfields setup on the Order Lines table in Order
Management, a value will have to be defaulted as a default value from some
other method in order for the import process to complete successfully.
Order Management Super User:
Navigation: Orders,Returns/Import Orders/Order Import Request
Enter these values:
- Operating Unit - Operating Unit of the Source Inventory Organization (Ex. M2)
- Order Source - Internal (or the order type being used
- Order Reference - Requisition Number
Submit the request. Confirm that it
Navigating to Orders,Returns/Order
- Enter the requisition number in the Find form
- Confirm that the Internal Sales Order was created from the import
Can the price be updated adjusted during the Order Import?
The calculate price flag is frozen and
the price cannot be changed. This is based on the values inserted by the
Create Internal Orders process from
Where is the schedule Ship Date coming from?
The scheduled ship date is passed from
the requisition Need By Date, it cannot be defaulted any differently.
How is the Order Type being chosen?
This is coming from the Purchasing
Options - Responsibility Purchasing Super User - Setup/Organizations/Purchasing
The following queries can be used to
confirm that the Internal Sales Order was created.
WHERE order_source_id = 10
WHERE segment1 = '&requisition_number');
WHERE order_source_id = 10
WHERE segment1 = '&requisition_number');
Pass the requisition number into the
script when prompted.
Step 10 -
Execute Pick Release/Ship Confirm
Order Management Super User:
- Enter the field - From Order Number - give the Internal Sales Order
- Choose Find
- From the Actions - choose Launch Pick Release
Once the Pick Release has been
completed, requery the Internal Sales Order in the shipping transactions form.
The field 'Next Step' should now be
showing Ship Confirm.
Choose the Delivery tab
While in the Delivery form, choose
actions 'Ship Confirm'
The Ship Confirm submission form
- Ship Entered Quantities
- Create Delivery for Staged quantities
- Close Trip
The selections above were all defaulted
into the ship confirm submission form. Choose OK.
Requiring the record shows that the
Next Step is to Run Interfaces.
This represents running the Interface
Trip Stop process.
In this example, the Interface Trip
Stop ran automatically.
Navigation: Shipping/Interfaces/Run -
Interface Trip Stop
If required, run the Interface Trip
Stop process for the Trip that was created.
Confirm that it completes with success.
shipping process in M2 will also automatically create the receipt in M1 - if
the Shipping Network was setup to have a transfer type of Direct. For
this example, Intransit was used to as to be able to demonstrate the receiving
Purchasing Super User:
Upon entering the Receiving form,
search based on the requisition number.
Select the line for Receipt - and save
the record. The Receiving Transaction Processor will be engaged and the
item will be transacted into the M1 - Destination Inventory Organization.
Navigating to Receiving/Receiving
Transactions Summary - it is possible to search on the requisition and view the
completed Receiving Transactions.
Step 12 -
Confirm the Quantity is Delivered
Purchasing Super User:
Requisitions/Requisition Summary
Querying the requisition lines, it is
possible to view the quantity delivered - giving confirmation that the Sales
Order was shipped from the source inventory organization (M2) and receipted
into the destination inventory organization (M1).
It is descriptive and thorough article on IRISO nice work Raghu Thanks!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteExcellent Explanation :)
ReplyDeleteGood article very useful
ReplyDeleteHello Raghunath,
ReplyDeleteRequest for confirmation on whether Internal Requisition can be used by secretaries of the different departments to request for their internal stationeries, online from Procurement section. What are the licensing implications. We are on EBS R12.1.3 and we have PO,IC implemented. Thank you for your update.
Excellent Document. But seems like "Copy Pasted"....
ReplyDeleteExcellent! I liked this document.
ReplyDeleteJust one question, if I do IR-ISO between subinventories in the same inventory organization then the material gets transferred to destination as soon as ISO is shipped. Is there any way I can make a Receipt before it reflects the destination subinventory stock ?
Very well explained.Thnx
ReplyDeletemanoj kumawat
ReplyDeleteWhen it comes to the same IRISO, howtto obtain the invoice number. The situation is movement across the same operating unit and between inventory organizations